Why Creating a Culture of Disagreement Can Help You Be More Successful

The two types of disagreements, why disagreements can be great, and how to create a culture of disagreement in your team

Wang Yip


Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

As a manager, I feel cautious when I suggest something to the team and do not get questions or disagreements. When I was working under managers and senior managers, I almost never disagreed with them — it could have been a cultural influence or something I learned when I was younger to not disagree with the authority. And maybe another part of it was that I don’t like disagreements.

But Adam Grant’s book, Think Again, made me, well, think again, about disagreements. And I realized that the right disagreement can make a tremendous impact on your work.

In this article, I will share:

  • The two kinds of disagreements
  • Why we don’t like disagreements
  • Why disagreements can be great
  • How to create a culture of disagreement in your team, whether you are a manager or an employee

The two kinds of disagreements

It surprised me to learn there are two kinds of disagreements — and if you have had any disagreements at all…



Wang Yip

Author of Essential Habits. I write about personal development, work and managing your career. Connect with me at www.wangyip.ca