What I learned from Neil Pasricha on being more resilient

Wang Yip
6 min readAug 8, 2020

Neil Pasricha is someone that I have admired for a long time. He wrote a blog called 1000 awesome things that blew up, and led to book deals, speaking, and more. He has a podcast called Three Books, which I am a big fan of (I am even part of his super secret analog club — you will have to listen to the podcast to learn more about how to join the club).

When he wrote You are awesome, he sent out advanced reader copies to his analog club and I was surprised to receive it in the mail because I didn’t expect to get a book being part of his club. The book was devoured in a matter of hours and I remember reading through and being compelled to send Neil some comments about how much I enjoyed the book and how it was one of his best books yet.

The book, if you haven’t read it, is Neil’s nine secrets to building more resiliency. If you liked his previous book The Happiness Equation, it is written in a similar manner: short chapters, full of anecdotes, research studies, quotes and stories that provide short, actionable takeaways that anyone can use in their lives to lead more intentional lives. So without further ado, here are some of my favourite takeaways from his book You are awesome.

Adding a magic word to your vocabulary



Wang Yip

Author of Essential Habits. I write about personal development, work and managing your career. Connect with me at www.wangyip.ca