Member-only story
Have you ever heard that quote that ‘wasted time enjoyed is not wasted time’? In this fast paced, fast changing world of ours, it’s hard not to think that if you’re not productive every single minute, every single hour of every single day, you’re just not going fast enough. That’s what I feel sometimes — so I immediately feel that when I am wasting time, it isn’t good. So I wrote up this post, mostly to remind myself, that when I do feel like I’m wasting time, I should think about doing something else instead (though whether I do it or not is another thing):
Ever wasted hours watching random Youtube clips of your favourite movies or TV shows or anime? Yeap, I’ve been there. Without even realizing why or understanding, I will turn to Youtube to entertain me and then spend hours, way past my bedtime watching these clips that really have no bearing on my life.
Instead, I should just notice the time, notice the alarm I have set (an alarm to get to bed early enough so that I can get 8 hours of sleep), and sleep!
One of my guilty pleasures is watching Twitch — it’s a streaming platform where people, often professionals, are playing video games for a living. They’re commenting on their strategies as they go and they are interacting with the people that…