How to Make Work A Little Better

Here are five things anyone can do to make their work better even if they do not like their job

Wang Yip


Photo by Nik on Unsplash

A boss who micromanages you, but claims they aren’t a micromanager? Yes, been there.

A job where you work evenings and weekends and your work is barely given a glance by the customer? Yes, I have had that too.

A work environment that forms committees and subcommittees to make minor decisions? Unfortunately yes.

No matter what your job looks like or how much you dislike it, there are five ways to make it, dare I say, fun.

Find a task nobody wants to do and do it well

When I was working at the professional services firm, there were some consultants who ran an internal newsletter. One day, even though I was up to my neck in projects, I decided to volunteer to be a writer – mostly because nobody else was volunteering (I mean who wants to do more work for no extra money or benefit). I decided to use the opportunity to do what Tim Ferriss was doing on his podcast: interview the best consultants at the firm, figure out what are known for and what they do well, and then share their answers and insights in the newsletter.



Wang Yip

Author of Essential Habits. I write about personal development, work and managing your career. Connect with me at