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Zig Ziglar is a legend. When I heard about him from Seth Godin, another one of my favourite authors, I had to devour his books right away so I looked up on Amazon everything that he had written, looked up all his speeches and tried to see what I could learn from Zig Ziglar.
I happened to come across this book Zig Ziglar’s Little Instruction Book which has 150+ pages of a single quote and then a short passage from Zig describing his thoughts and mindset around that quote. The book is easy to read, packed full of good advice and well deserving on my re-read list (i.e., the books that I will re-read at least once every quarter if not more often).
Here are the quotes that resonated with me the most:
When we do more than what we are paid to do, eventually we will be paid more for what we do
I used to think about coworkers and friends telling me about how they made X amount of bonus or Y amount of salary. I thought that I would just get paid more and then I would have greater responsibility, more work, more expectations and such. But, as I learned from life and this quote, it doesn’t work that way. Look at sites like designcrowd or upwork — basically you have to do the work so that you can prove you can do the work before…