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25 things you can do, in 5 minutes or less, to improve your health
I’ve been researching and writing a book for over two years now, culling from the best selling books on health, wealth and wisdom. I thought I’d share a few things that I have learned on improving your health and as a nod to James Altucher, I am trying to develop my idea muscle at the same time. Here’s some simple things that you can do to improve your health:
Ten ways to improve your mental health
- Take six deep breaths — Whenever I’m feeling stressed or tired or even feel like I need a reset, I take in six deep breaths. I completely fill in my lungs as much as I can, and then breathe out until I can’t exhale anymore and then I repeat five more times. I read somewhere that taking in a deep breath like that can help stimulate your vagus nerve (VAGUS BABY! sorry) and bring your peace and calm.
- Close my eyes and meditate for two minutes — Similar to the six deep breaths, sometimes I feel like I am getting distracted by notifications, pings on my phone, deadlines and I can’t help but feel like there are too many pulls in different directions. So whenever I am feeling overwhelmed, I close my eyes, try to forget for a moment, where I am, what I’m doing and then try to clear my head of any thoughts. It’s during those times that I get clarity on what I need to do and it helps put things…