Member-only story
Travel is fantastic. It’s a great way to learn about another culture, experience different food, see things that you otherwise wouldn’t see in your locale and to get away from things. I find that those that travel tend to be more open minded and more grateful about the things in their lives. For example, I did not realize that Canada had a reputation for being kind and nice. In Hong Kong, I was traveling home to my grandma’s house by bus and they have double decker buses there. I decided to take advantage of the height of the bus and go to the 2nd floor so that I can see more of the city. We rode around for a while and then got off at the terminal station. As the bus was full, I let everyone go down the stairs before me while my Mom and my Grandma were the first ones off the bus (and they ended up waiting for me to get off the bus). They told me that Hong Kong was very different from Canada and that I didn’t have to be as ‘nice’ in Hong Kong as I was in Canada. That’s when I realized that maybe Canadians do live up to their reputation of being nice in other countries.
Travel can also be incredibly stressful. Trying to check in for international flights, catching connecting flights, missing luggage, having to be constantly mindful of your surroundings, watching your backpack and luggage to make sure it doesn’t get stolen, and more. As I am a…