10 Ways To Get More Energy at Work

When you hit that rut or feel the afternoon slowdown

Wang Yip


Photo by Tony Tran on Unsplash

Don’t you hate it when you have a lot to do at work, but you feel drained when you get back to your desk — say after lunch or after a long meeting where you had to force yourself to stay awake and pay attention?

Here are ten things I do to help me get the energy and motivation I need to push through the afternoon slump:

1. Afternoon tea

Although I’ve experimented with coffee, I find tea to be better because, depending on the tea, it has less caffeine, and I find the aroma and scent of tea help to perk my awareness. As a side benefit, I find I’m not up late at night because of having too much caffeine in my system.

2. Break up work with an exercise session at lunch

One of the best tricks to boost energy levels is to work out during lunch. You come back to work pumped and ready to go and exercise is never a bad thing either. It is also the secret for when you have a bad day: a good workout will always turn around a bad day at work.

3. Work on things you are passionate about

I know sometimes you don’t always have the choice of what to work on. Deadlines…



Wang Yip

Author of Essential Habits. I write about personal development, work and managing your career. Connect with me at www.wangyip.ca